Master class
Personal boundaries
and Work-life balance

How a violation of personal boundaries leads to a violation of the Work-life balance.

How to set, restore and maintain personal boundaries.
Unique Open Mind Sesions format.
For whom?
For team leaders, HR managers, employees and teams, for whom it is important to understand how the lack of clear personal boundaries affects the violation of life balance in general.
Learn to integrate Work into Life through the prism of personal boundaries. Increase the efficiency of the company.
About master class
The themes of personal boundaries and work-life balance are closely related. It is the violation of personal boundaries that leads to imbalance in both personal and professional life.

Recently, life has changed so rapidly: a pandemic, the specific conditions of remote work, when you wake up already at work, that's why it is appropriate to study the integration of work into personal life rather than maintaining a balance between personal and professional life. And this is much more complicated: the boundaries are "erased" not only by the "employee-employer", but also by the "employee - mom / dad / husband / wife".
Book a master class to:
  • Learn what personal boundaries are, their types
  • Learn how to restore broken boundaries
  • Find your work-life balance in a practical way and learn ways to work on its restoration
The result of clear boundaries in the company is:
Employees and the company interact more clearly and openly
Awareness of needs
Growing awareness of one's boundaries leads to a clear understanding of one's needs, both for employees and leaders.
Increasing efficiency
Increasing the efficiency of the company and faster achievement of common results
Balance matters
The efficiency of employees who are in balance is higher
Strengthening trust and respect to management
Increasing trust to management of the company by 1 point on a 10-point scale has the same effect as increasing income by 36%
Company revenue growth
Growth of the company's income due to clarity and transparency of processes and goals
Unique format
The master class will be held in a unique format OpenMindSesisions, developed by a team of our psychologists and experts. This approach involves:
80% - practice, 20% - theory;
Gestalt approach to working with a team
Do you want to order a master class and find out the cost?
Ask questions - we will be happy to answer!
INDIVIDUAL ENTREPRENEUR Liudmyla Viktorivna Skrypnyk
Ukraine, 02081, Kyiv, Petro Hryhorenko Avenue, 14, apartment 178