Our team of professional psychologists has developed for your employees innovative psychological subscriptions that help increase business efficiency for:
Formation of trust between members of the organization
Improving communication skills
Strengthening soft skills
Development of emotional intelligence
Prevention of emotional burnout
Creativity development
The results
of implementing programs of psychological support of employees are:
60% better loyalty to the company (* Financial benefit: 17.5% revenue for the company according to the TowersWatson study)
45% reduction in employee outflows (* Financial benefit: 45% reduction in the cost of hiring and firing employees)
30% reduction in the number and period of absence of employees due to absenteeism and presentism (* Financial benefit: 30% increase in productivity of each employee)
for psychological support of employees:
"Online psychologist" - individual psychological sessions for key employees
Psychological support for employees, which will increase the level of self-awareness, help to effectively use their energy and talents in the interests of the company to achieve great results.
Результат для організації:
Зростання залученості співробітників Зниження плинності кадрів Підвищення стресостійкості Створення продуктивних команд Ефективна робота персоналу
Результат для співробітників:
Покращення комунікативних навичок Попередження професійного вигоряння Підвищення усвідомленості, знань про себе, свої потреби Розвиток емоційного інтелекту Психологічна стійкість
Elective courses:
Emotional burnout
Prevention of emotional burnout
Increasing resilience
Identifying your type of burnout
Creating an individual plan to work with burnout
Psychological methods of the course:
Practices aimed at developing emotional awareness
Formation of skills of ecological treatment of own and other people's feelings
Identifying the individual type of burnout and how to prevent it
Body-oriented approach: body-feeling-needs
Art-therapeutic practices
Dialogue-phenomenological model
Trust communications creativity
Creating a culture of trust in the company
Increased openness to change
Creating creative and productive teams
Increasing the level of innovation of the company
Psychological methods of the course:
Storytelling, art practices, projection exercises
8 leadership practices that build trust in teams
Formation of ecological feedback skills
Learning to recognize manipulation, ways to work with them
Learning the techniques of "brainstorming" without shame
Body-oriented practices
Emotional intelligence
Improving ability to understand own emotions and the emotions of others for more effective communication
Awareness of the causes of feelings and their correct interpretation
Identifying needs and finding the best way to meet them
Increasing emotional sensitivity and self-awareness to improve the quality of negotiations
Improving the efficiency of the company by increasing the emotional intelligence of the whole team
Psychological methods of the course:
Gestalt approach - awareness of emotions, feelings, experiences, needs, and finding direct ways to satisfy them
Projective techniques - the use of images for unconscious needs
Body-oriented practices to improve the perception of body's signals and self-awareness
Working with limiting beliefs and reflecting on the effectiveness of specific beliefs
Unique course format
Open Mind Sessions - a format developed by a team of our psychologists and experts. This approach includes:
12 sessions course
80% - practice, 20% - theory; Gestalt approach to working with a team
3 hours
offline - up to 20 people online - up to 40 people
The practical part of the course is carried out through teamwork with the author's approach of psychologists in working with groups